Impossible Maps. Audi.

New Audi Q7 launch campaign

Cliente: Audi Spain
Año: 2017
Rol: Creativa Senior. DoubleYou

El nuevo Audi Q7 suponía el lanzamiento del modelo más tecnológicamente avanzado de la marca hasta la fecha.
Para mostrar sus altas capacidades, decidimos enfrentarlo a un reto, el de superar a la tecnología que más lejos nos ha llevado: Google Maps.
¿Cómo? Usando el Audi Q7 para crear mapas digitales de los caminos más inaccesibles, caminos a los que Google Maps no ha podido llegar. 


The new Audi Q7 has been the brand's most technologically advanced vehicle to date.
To show up its high capabilities, we decided to take on the challenge of surpassing the one that has taken us the furthest so far: Google Maps.

How? Using the Audi Q7 to create digital maps of the most inaccessible paths. The paths that Google Maps has not reached.

Content Hero

Case Study

In addition to the website where users could interact with the maps, the campaign featured audiovisual content presenting the project and the experience lived by the two Audi drivers, as well as pieces of communication in digital media, reports in magazines, installations in airports, 360º interactive videos and timelapses of the routes.


The campaign was awarded a Bronze in Branded Content at the Festival del Sol and 2 Bronzes at the Inspirational Festival in the categories of Branded Content and User Experience.